Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bangka Belitung

Bangka Belitung is a province in Indonesia which is consists of two main islands, namely Bangka island and Belitung island and have some small islands such as Lepar island, Pongok island, Mendanau island Selat Nasik island and many other but only 50 islands of uninhabited. The capital of this province is Pangkalpinang.
Bangka Belitung located in the eastern part of Sumatra island, near the Province of South Sumatra. Bangka Belitung is known as the tin producer island, has a beautiful beach and had inter-ethnic harmony.
Bangka Belitung had some interesting and exotic place for vacation. Such as Parai Tenggiri beach, Tanjung Pesona beach, matras beach and rebo beach that located ot far away from pankalpinang Bangka island. Besides there are Tanjung Kalayang beach, Tanjung Binga beach and Lengkuas islands located on the Belitung island.

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