Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Seudati Dance

Seudati Dance is one of the dance that came from the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Like This Dance This category also includes Tribal War Dance or War Dance, which is always stimulating spirit for youth of Aceh to rise and fight colonialism. Therefore, this dance was forbidden at the time of Dutch colonialism, but now this dance back and allowed to become Indonesia's National Arts.
Seudati dance played by eight men consisted of a leader who called Syeikh, parlormaid Syeikh one person, two people at the next left which is called apeetwie, one person called dibelakng parlormaid apeet bak, and three regular adjuvant. In addition there are two singers who called aneuk syahi.
This dance does not use a musical instrument, but only played a few movements such as hand to chest and pinggul, boarding feet to the ground and finger passages.
seudati dance clothing consisting of long white pants and long sleeve white shirts that, songkets put on thigh and waist, rencong inserted in the waist, red tangkulok in the head and colored sniffer.


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