Sunday, June 7, 2009

Maninjau Lake

Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Agam, West Sumatra. Lake is located approximately 140 km north of Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, 36 km from Bukittinggi, 27 km from Lubuk Basung, the capital of Agam city.

Maninjau is the vulkanik lake with located of 461.50 meters height above sea level. Maninjau knowledgeable about 99.5 km ² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. formed by the eruption of the Sitinjau mountain (according to local legend), this can be seen from the form of a hill around the lake like a wall-like. According to the legend in Ranah Minang, the existence of Lake Maninjau closely associated with the story of Bujang Sembilan.


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